Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Love Triangle

We’ve been together for almost ten years, and it’s pretty serious.   Neither one of us is going anywhere.  When it first looked like we were going to get together (well, back together – it’s a long story….), I wasn’t sure it was what I wanted.    Yes, we had tons of mutual friends and lots of history.  On the other hand, we had tons of mutual friends and lots of history.  I always knew that we’d probably eventually end up together, but it ended up happening sooner than it might have. 

And somewhat to my surprise at first, it’s been pretty good.  She’s not one of those whose charms instantly knock you out, but she really does have a lot going for her:  she’s pretty smart, she’s  a great cook, she’s got good taste in music and art, she’s hard-working, and well-situated.  She can be quite conservative, depending on how you approach her, and she’s sometimes a little snobby and stand-offish with new people.  But she grows on you…

I had to do some extended travel for work recently, so we spent about  five months apart.  With Facebook and Skype, it’s easy to stay in touch over long distances, but still, it was a real test for our relationship. 

OK, I’m gonna be honest.  I did meet someone else.  She is so different from G:  older, but a total beauty; she’s been through it, but is still vibrant;  cultured,  smart, well-dressed, presents well; fiercely traditional but still completely a person of today; loves dogs and comfort food.  She knows who she is.    

We both knew it wasn’t going to last, but we had fantastic time together while it did.  Now I’m back home, and G and I are settling in to the rhythms of our life together.  Like I said before, she’s not exactly a bombshell but she does have her own kind of sex appeal.  Still, I think of B often and wonder…